The Landry News

Stars: 4
Author: Andrew Clements
Format: 132 pages, some drawings.
Reading level: grades 5 and up

Summary: being fans of Clements, we requested this book via an inter-library loan since our local library did not have it. The book tells the story of Cara Landry, a new shy student in a big city school that happens to be placed in a class where its teacher does not actually teach. Being very good at writing, Cara decides to write a newspaper and puts in her views of the teacher. The teacher sees this, and then things change. The principal of the school also dislikes the teacher and wants nothing more than kick out of school. The book has very emotional ending and it is very hard to keep your eyes dry.

An excellent read. Some content may be for older students, hence the grade 5 and up classification, but it should be enjoyable by all ages.


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