Because of Mr. Terupt

Stars: 5
Author: Rob Buyea
Format: 288 pages, no drawings.
Reading level: grades 5 and up

Summary: It has been a wile since we posted a review. We have ready many books this winter, so several will be coming there.

This is simply a fabulous book, what a 1st book for Rob Buyea, Mr. Terupt is a new teacher at Snow Hill school, where he is in charge of one of the grade 5 classes. The book is narrated in an innovative manner, each chapter is alternatingly told by one of about 10 of the students, boys and girls, who each tell their own perspective of events. They are the typical students that many of us will recognize: the good smart and good student, the girl bully, the disruptive one, the shy one, etc., each with his or her own peculiarities. Mr. Terupt uses his own way to improve the kids behavior and better their lives. Most of the students end up adoring him, until an unfortunate event occurs. There will be many pages on this book in which your eyes will tear up. You will laugh and cry - a lot.

Beautiful. Fantastic.


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