
Stars: 5
Author: Gordon Korman
Format: 160 pages, no drawings.
Reading level: grades 5/6 and up

Summary: Capricorn Anderson lives with his grandmother in a hippie commune, isolated from the world. When his grandma falls ill, he is forced to join a real school and live temporarely as a foster kid. For a boy that has never even watched TV, school is a shock, and so are the school kids and the world outside. To makes matters worse, he is chosen as Grade 8 President, which was supposed to be a prank as the foolest kid is chosen every year. The book relates the troubles Cap goes through in adjusting to his new reality.

The book is hilarious as Cap goes through maddening situations. When the mean kids place a dead bird in his locker, Cap proceeds to do a burial in the school yard. He does his tai-chi every morning, and het gets to drive his school bus, saving a life. The other kids start seeing what he is really like inside. His life turns around in a very good way.

It is a great read, you will laugh out loud. The book is a little challening at the beginning for smaller kids, but once you get going it's impossible to stop.

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